Friday, June 18, 2010

Postcard idea

We enthusiastically started a little postcard project for us for us to hand out on the platform next year - when we identify locals bringing visitors, or anyone we like to encourage to volunteer.

We need to think about finetuning the text on the card and the ‘website’ ( goes with it. I whipped up quickly. A blogspot like that could be useful. It doesn’t advertise tourist facilities, only our work.

To make life easier we can call it for about $25 p.a. That would look nicer on the card.



Front of proposed postcard:

Back of proposed postcard:

The cost of the postcards would be about $200 per 1000, or $150 for 500... The more the cheaper obviously.

FOLP Meeting!

We just had a meeting for our group and made lots of good decisions. One of them was to create postcards to attract new volunteers!

Especially of interest was to find ways to get younger volunteers in the 18-35 age-group, although we would love to hear from anyone under 110!

This spot will bring you FOLP (Friends of Lillico Penguins) updates such as

  • WORKING BEE on Saturday 17 July 
  • AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Tuesday 24 August 7pm 
Always interested in more members! Send us an email